Sunday, April 11, 2010

Thunderstorms in Roma!

While eating at a streetside ristorante this evening, it began to rain. Real rain. Harder than Seattle rain. And then came the thunder, the lighning and the realization that we didn't have an umbrella. No worries though! You remember the guys selling the roses on the Spanish steps I wrote about a couple of posts before? Well, they are Jacks of All Trades and sell umbrellas too! There were up to 5 guys selling umbrellas at one time outside of our restaurant (some sold roses at the same time!).

So when we were done, I thought, "wow, it is really coming down, we definitely need an umbrella and it will be cheaper than a cab, I'll go buy a couple". So I finish paying for dinner and walk out to the meet the guy under an awning. I said "How much" he said "five", I said "Ill give you $5 for 2". He replies "$10 for 2". "Deal", I much for my negotiation skills I learned at the fireworks stands growing up. I should have asked him to toss in a couple of Piccolo Pete's and some M-80's....Crap. Oh well, these guys are stone cold salesmen.

