I also like the fact that Vegas is 80* in November. I like the great restaurants, I like the fact that this whole town of glitz and glam is in the middle of the desert and makes no sense that people go there, other than to basically waste money and forget who they are by drinking too much. It's a very strange town. I like the million dollar clubs and the games you have to play to try to get in (definitely helps to know The Baller). Vegas is a lot of fun, but I HATE COMING HOME. That has to be the worst flight ever, knowing the next morning the alarm clock will be ringing bright and early and you totaled maybe 8 hours of sleep the past 2 nights. I need a vacation from my Vegas trip. If you have been there, you know exactly what I mean. But, this feeling will wear off like it always does and I will be stoked for the next trip.
My thoughts right now "ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
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